
Launch a Fresh Website without Losing Google Rankings

  When your website is no longer linked, and performing to its full capacity, it may be time for a makeover. When revamping your website, it's critical to avoid errors that might seriously harm your SEO. A website makeover entails major modifications to your website. Elements of your code, content, structure, and graphics may change substantially throughout a redesign.  SEO Company in Delhi  employs a variety of cutting-edge techniques and methods to exceed the expectations of your valued customers. They will swiftly optimize your website for mobile, using a range of methods to create a mobile-friendly website from the ground up. During the redesign process, you may alter your domain name, subdomains, page-level optimization, and URL structure. You may also encounter technical glitches while adding extra sections or functionalities. While it's doubtful that your redesign would incorporate all of these changes, any of them might be detrimental to your rankings if not carefully